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Character Interviews: How To Flesh Out Your Novel’s Characters
When you think about your favorite novels, which characters do you like the most? Which ones do you relate to more? Most likely, they are characters that you…
4 min read
Writing with a Purpose: Join Our Free Writing Sessions
Does that pesky blinking cursor seem to stay in the same place in your novel day after day, month after month? Brittany and I have been there, done…
4 min read
Why Growing Your Writing Network Is So Important
When I first got into writing when I was younger, it was a very solitary activity. I thought up the stories and wrote them down in my notebooks…
4 min read
Why Attend a Writing Retreat?
If you’re a writer, chances are you’ve heard of novel writing retreats and how beneficial (and fun!) they can be. If you’re looking to make new writing buddies…
4 min read